This more advanced version for the Me P.1100 was proposed in March 1944.
It was to have the 45 degree swept back wing that was developed for the
Me 262 HG III project. Two He S 011 A turbojets were buried in the wing
roots, and the cockpit held a crew of two. A final project, dated May 7,
1944 was for a version with increased wing span. There were several armament
variants proposed (see table below). Although Siegfried Knemeyer (chief
of development for the RLM Technical Department) expressed considerable
interest in the project and inspected several mockups, they were eventually
cancelled in 1945 due to the thought that the P.1099 and P.1100 projects
were underpowered.
Span: 12.58 m (41' 3.7")
Length: 12 m (39' 4.8") Max. Speed:
778 km/h (476 mph)
Messerschmitt Me P.1100/II Project of March 1944
Two-seat armed high-speed bomber
One fixed forward-firing MK 108 30mm cannon and one rearward-firing MK 108 30mm cannon |
One FHL 108 and FPL 108 turret or one FHL 108 and FPL 151 turret |
Two FDL 108 Z turrets |
One FHL 151, one FDL 108 Z and one FPL 151 turret Three FDL 108 Z turrets |