The Zeppelin "Fliegende Panzerfaust" (Flying Mailed Fist)
was designed as a parasite fighter that was to be towed to combat behind
a Me 109G (see drawing below). The wings were shoulder mounted and straight,
and a V-tail comprised the tail assembly. The pilot lay prone behind a
long, hooked nose, which was the towing apparatus that was connected to
the tow aircraft. There was a single central wheel that protruded from
the underside of the aircraft, to facilitate takeoff. Once operational
altitude was reached and the target sighted, the "Fliegende Panzerfaust"
was released to make its attack on the target, igniting the six solid fuel
rockets that were arrayed three to each side of the rear fuselage. After
the pilot fired his two RZ 65 missiles and made his escape, the pilot and
entire forward half of the aircraft was ejected and parachuted to safety,
with the rear half of the aircraft also being equipped with a parachute.
The aircarft would then be recovered by a special truck and a team of three
men, to be reused again. Other than the two RZ 65 missiles, there was no
armament fitted.
Span: 4.5 m (14' 9.3")
Length: 6.0 m (19' 8.4")
Max. Speed: 850 km/h (528 mph)
arrangement of the Zeppelin "Fliegende Panzerfaust"....